Translation Services

Translation Services

Telephonic Translation
Uintah School District has partnered with Propio One language services to provide a full scope of language services, fast connection times, best-in-class customer service, and the highest-quality interpreters in the industry. They provide telephone translation for IEP’s, parent teacher conference, safe school, registration, and other parent meetings in over 300 languages. They also provide video interpretation for ASL. This service is accessible online at Propio One or through the app on Apple/iOS devices.

Propio One FAQs

Document Translation
Uintah School District has partnered with TransACT ParentNotice to provide expertly written forms or notices that are required by our district, state, or the federal government. The notices are already translated into your priority languages by certified translators. 

Learn why it is important to use certified translators for parent engagement by clicking HERE.

TransACT Parent Notice Forms

If you received an email invitation to the updated TransACT ParentNotice interface, please click on the link in the invitation email to validate your account.

For staff members who need an account but did not receive an email invitation, click HERE to create an account with your district email. Your ParentNotice district administrator will be notified of your request and will be prompted to approve your access. You will receive an email alert when your request has been approved.

Forgot your password? On the sign-in page, enter your email address and click “Next."  Then click "Forgot Password" directly below the “SIGN IN” button.

For more information or help in accessing the services contact Sheryl Packer at 435-781-3100, Ext. 1028. 

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No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups. The following persons have been designated as Title IX coordinators to handle inquires and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: Dr. Mistalyn Leis, Human Resources Director (435) 781-3100. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, at (303) 844-5695.