
District Assessment Calendar
Uintah School District follows a calendar for all state mandated and district assessments (testing) during the school year. The 2023-2024 calendar for K-12 can be found HERE.

2024-2025 Calendar for K-5

2024-2025 Calendar for Grades 6-12

Use of Assessment Data

Data obtained from assessments may be utilized by teachers and administrators to review student academic progress, plan instruction, and share with students and parents. Summative assessments allow for data to be used in public reporting about school quality. The Parental Exclusion Form should be submitted to the school at least 24 hours prior to your child taking the test(s). (Board Rule 277-404-7)

Parental Exclusion from State Elementary Assessments Form

Parental Exclusion from State Secondary Assessments Form

Formulario de los padres para exclusion de las evaluaciones estatales

Standard Test Administration & Testing Ethics Policy
When administered properly, statewide assessments allow students to demonstrate what they know and can do. Valid and reliable results from statewide assessments provide the public, the Legislature, the board, local education agencies (LEA), and teachers under Utah Code 53E-4-301.5 with:

  • A standardized source of measurement information about student proficiency;
  • Information, in combination with locally collected data, for evaluation of the effectiveness of school programs and helps guide instructional planning
  • Information to recognize excellence, guide and improve instruction, identify the need for additional resources or to provide the reallocation of educational resources in a manner to ensure educational opportunities for all students

Educators are obligated to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills fairly and accurately. Educators involved with statewide assessments must conduct testing in a fair and ethical manner (Board Rule R277-217-3.14).

Standard Test Administration & Testing Ethics Policy for Utah Education


Utah Assessments & Accountability Reports
Utah’s Accountability system is designed to incentivize schools to engage in processes that support student performance, emphasize student growth, and improve opportunities for students to access instruction through supportive learning environments. The intended outcomes are to simultaneously communicate performance to schools in order to inform school-level decisions, such as program, policy, or instructional decisions.

Visit the Data Gateway for Utah School Report Cards.

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No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups. The following persons have been designated as Title IX coordinators to handle inquires and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: Dr. Mistalyn Leis, Human Resources Director (435) 781-3100. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, at (303) 844-5695.