Uintah School District Strategic Plan
We provide a positive and engaging learning environment where all students develop essential skills for productive citizenship and lifelong learning.
1. Essential skills include:
1.1. Academic skills required for students to learn the state standards at a level of proficiency.
1.2. Social skills required for appropriate communication, cooperation, and collaboration with a variety of diverse individuals and groups across various settings.
1.3. Work skills for success at school and in the workplace.
1.4. Skills and competencies for self-reliance and independent living.
2. Productive citizenship is the act of being a law-abiding, self-reliant, and positive member of society who contributes to local municipalities, the workplace, the family, and other organizations such as churches, clubs, and neighborhoods.
3. Lifelong learning is the act of learning in all facets and throughout all phases of life. This includes having the desire to further knowledge, increase understanding, and build capacity for productive citizenship and meaningful living. In order to help students become lifelong learners schools shall:
3.1. Inspire students and use positive reinforcement to encourage engagement in learning.
3.2. Provide students with interesting and engaging curriculum and activities. Spark their interests and leverage their curiosity to make learning enjoyable. Make learning fun!
3.3. Build each student’s capacity to become independent in his or her abilities to read, write, process information, and problem solve.
We inspire students to reach their full individual potential.
1. Teachers and staff inspire students by modeling positive attitudes and demeanors. Students are inspired as they engage with the curriculum and learning activities in a safe and positive environment. The classroom and school learning environments shall be systematically structured and managed to encourage positive interactions and school experiences for students. Key factors include:
1.1. Teacher and staff attitudes about teaching and learning
1.2. Expectations for student behavior and learning
1.3. Preparation and organization of time and materials for learning activities
1.4. Schoolwide and classroom rules and procedures
1.5. Interactions between students and staff
1.6. Relationships
2. Students are provided with an opportunity to explore and develop interests, develop skills, increase knowledge, and build capacity to learn.
3. We encourage and model the district’s core values with emphasis on responsibility and personal accountability. Students are provided with an opportunity to exercise choice while learning to understand the connections between their personal choices and consequences.
4. Students reach their full potential in the following key areas:
4.1. Academic performance and capacity to learn
4.2. Citizenship
4.2.1. Decision-making/responsibility
4.2.2. Interpersonal skills and the ability to build and maintain positive relationships
4.2.3. Work ethic, self-reliance and other essential skills for independent living
4.2.4. Leadership skills and the ability to collaborate and work well with others
4.3. Social/emotional functioning
4.4. Health and physical fitness
4.5. Performance in extracurricular and co-curricular activities
Core Values
1. Work ethic
1.1. Students learn the benefits of hard work.
1.2. Students learn to take ownership of their education.
1.3. Students and staff develop a growth mindset; a belief in and commitment to improvement and success.
1.4. Schools foster both individual and collective efficacy; the idea that students and staff can make a difference and have an impact on their own outcomes and the outcomes of others.
2. Responsibility and Accountability
2.1. Students take responsibility for their own learning.
2.2. Teachers leverage reciprocal accountability to help all students learn at high levels.
2.3. Students are provided with an opportunity to exercise choice while learning to understand the connections between their personal choices and consequences.
2.4. The district’s resources are used carefully, according to policy, and with full transparency. All fiscal expenditures are carefully monitored to ensure funds are used according to their intended purposes.
2.5. Staff members provide students with the support necessary for all students to learn at high levels.
2.6. We use data to make key decisions and to drive our instructional programs.
3. Grit
3.1. Students and staff are resilient. They are accepting of new ideas and they adapt well to change.
3.2. Students and staff demonstrate perseverance. They stick with tasks through completion, even when things become difficult.
3.3. Students and staff develop and use skills to solve simple and complex problems.
3.4. We are “Uintah Strong!” We stick together through difficult times and help each other overcome challenges when faced with adversity.
4. Integrity
4.1. Students and staff are encouraged to be honest and forthright in all that they do.
4.2. Policies, procedures, systems, programs, processes, and the curriculum are implemented with fidelity.
4.3. All information, except that which is confidential and protected by law, are made transparent to stakeholders.
5. Kindness, Respect, Empathy & Tolerance
5.1. All students and staff are treated with and reciprocate kindness and respect.
5.2. All students and staff receive fair and equitable treatment.
5.3. Schools maintain procedures and effective practices to prevent discrimination harassment and bullying of students and staff.
5.4. The values of respect, empathy, and tolerance are systematically addressed in the curriculum.
5.5. We embrace diversity.
6. Unity
6.1. Student, parent, community, and staff input is sought as part of the district and school improvement processes.
6.2. We embrace constructive feedback and healthy debate.
6.3. Frequent open communication is facilitated between the schools and their families.
6.4. Shared leadership and collaborative decision making is encouraged.
6.5. We are better when we work together. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are the foundation of our collaborative work.
7. Optimism
7.1. School leaders and staff are committed to providing a positive learning environment and a positive school culture for the benefit of all students.
7.2. School staff will use positive reinforcement as a primary strategy to encourage discipline, rule following, and cooperation among students.
7.3. Communications with parents and the community should generally create a positive perception and optimistic outlook of the school within the community.
1. Cultivate a positive educational culture where all students are actively engaged in high levels of learning.
1.1. The district, including each school and department, will build and sustain a positive educational culture characterized by the district’s core values.
1.2. All students and staff will engage in personal goal setting at least annually. Systems and supports designed to help everyone track their own learning progress will be implemented across the district.
1.3. Schools will incorporate high-leverage instructional strategies into all units of instruction.
1.4. USD students will score above the state average in proficiency in all state assessed areas.
1.5. Each school shall ensure a healthy, safe and engaging learning environment for all.
2. Increase student learning through the implementation of a continuous school improvement model using measurable outcomes and data-driven instruction.
2.1. All PLC teams will operate at the “sustaining” level of the district PLC rubrics.
2.2. Schools will improve systems to involve various stakeholders (students, staff, and parents) and utilize their input for key decisions and school improvement.
2.3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be used to monitor the district’s progress with each of the District Improvement Plan (DIP) goals.
2.4. USD schools will provide a learning environment where students have numerous opportunities for social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development.
Adopted 2021