State Elementary Assessments

Utah State Elementary Assessments

Acadience Math assesses skills that are necessary for learning mathematics. It is made up of short assessments. Each assessment focuses on different mathematics skill(s). Teachers are required to inform first, second, and third grade parents/guardians whether their child is meeting grade-level benchmarks. This is being done at the end of October, at the end of February and by the last day of school.

Enroll in Acadience Math Training 2022-23 (USBE Canvas)

Enroll in Using Results from Acadience Math Assessment (USBE Canvas)


Acadience Reading assesses the reading level of students in first, second and third grade. Teachers are required to inform all parents of their student’s reading level indicating whether it is “at” or “below” grade level as determined by the reading assessment. Notification is to occur at the end of October, at the end of February and by the last day of school after each benchmark assessment.

Enroll in Acadience Reading Middle of the Year (MOY) Composite & Pathways (USBE Canvas)

Enroll in Acadience Reading Middle of the Year (MOY) Small Groups & Progress Monitoring (USBE Canvas)

Enroll in Acadience Reading Refresh 2022-23 (USBE Canvas)


Utah's Kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (KEEP) is given to kindergarten students at the beginning and end of the year to provide insights into the academic development of our kindergarten students. It also promotes data-informed decision-making regarding instruction. Teachers give the KEEP assessment to each student individually at the beginning and end of the school year. An alternative assessment is available.

KEEP Training Video Series

Enroll in KEEP Entry Training (Self-directed Canvas training)

Enroll in KEEP Exit Training (Self-directed Canvas training)


RISE for Grades 3-8
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) administers End-of-Level tests called RISE  to students in English language arts, mathematics, and science courses in grades 3-8. These assessments are computer adaptive tests. RISE is the acronym for Readiness, Improvement, Success, and Empowerment.

Utah RISE Portal

RISE Blueprints

RISE Training Video Series

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