The Travel Reimbursement form should be filled out electronically. Make sure it is filled out completely, including the budget number. Make sure that the Travel Reimbursement Form has all required signatures and documentation (i.e., agenda, receipts, etc.).
Conference Registration/Motel Prepay should be on purple paper.
Travel Advances are for national conventions only and must be requested three weeks in advance.
Per Diem Rate: The in-state rate is $59 per day. The out-of-state per diem rate is determined by the federal government at www.gsa.gov.
Lodging Rate: In-state lodging is $128 per night. Out-of-state lodging $128 per night, plus taxes. For stays at a conference hotel, the district will reimburse the actual cost plus tax for both in-state and out-of-state travel. Employees should receive prior written permission from their supervisor and budget supervisor when exceeding the allowable rate of reimbursement.
Mileage Rate is .67 cents per mile. If two or more employees are traveling to the same event in separate personal vehicles at the expense of the district, the supervisor has the option of reimbursing the employees one-fourth, one-third or one-half of the reimbursement rate.
For reimbursement of costs, receipts must be attached to the Travel Reimbursement Form.
It is the responsibility of the driver to know how and where to get additional gas needed using the state gas card. Each driver is responsible for obtaining their personal PIN number from the Transportation Secretary. Driver must make sure the car is full and clean when it is returned.
Conference agendas must be attached to all travel vouchers.
To schedule a district car, contact the secretary at your school or call Stacy Hawley at ext. 2883.